Archive | July, 2013

The Celestial Event of the New Moon

24 Jul

Natal Chart, New Moon, The Celestial Event of the New Moon

Strange articles: A Brief Introduction to the Planets in Astrology

24 Jul

A Brief Introduction to the Planets in Astrology, birth chart, Mercury and Venus, moon, Planets in Astrology, strange articles

Autism Articles: Medical Testing for Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and PDD

24 Jul

and PDD, Asperger’s Syndrome, autism articles, Medical Testing for Autism

Autism Articles: Applied Behavioral Analysis and Autism

24 Jul

Autism and the Crystal Baby: Autism, a Crystal, and The Blue Lady

7 Jul

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Autism, a Crystal, and The Blue Lady
it has been a struggle lately, my Phoenix is 18 months old and has been put under a microscope by the medical community. he simply decided he didnt want to talk, nothing no mama dada, nothing.
Phoenix can communicate with me through other ways though, i actually call him my little orca whale, because he loves to sing, and he sounds just like an orca…
but none the less, i was told he possibly couldnt hear and that’s why he couldnt talk. which this scared the living daylights out of me, geez, the hearing test was done, and he can hear, praise the gods,, my Phoenix simply has a speech delay, one of the characteristics of crystal children, but also a characteristic of autism.
now, Phoenix’s doctor has him under the help me grow program, where the state gets involved with Phoenix’s speech delay. the social workers involved with Phoenix actually come to my home, to visit with him. and i still have the autism paperwork, which

Autism and the Crystal Baby: the Self Made Vegetarian

2 Jul

autism, autism crystal children, autistic crystal children, crystal children, crystal children vegetarian, vegetarian