Tag Archives: baby

Autism and the Crystal Baby: Passover Begins Again………. Our Autistic sons

15 Apr

Autism and Passover

Autism and the Crystal Baby: Why my house? Autism and Passover

15 Apr

Autism and Passover

Autism and the Crystal Baby: another Autism Melt Down

13 Apr

autisn, autism melt down, melt down

Autism and the Crystal Baby: the green grass between his toes..

19 Mar

the green grass between his toes..
Lately, as warmer weather approaches, Phoenix takes his shoes off and tickles his toes in the green grass. as the world turns and turns again, I found our family in sunny Florida last month at an outside memorial service. the St Augustine grass in Florida is like beautiful soft green carpet. I could not keep Phoenix’s Shoes on. All he wanted to do was to be in the grass. I guess, he needed to ground and recharge, but he did it his way. I didnt have to do a thing. there he is was with his shoes off laying in the grass. he then stood up and looked at me and then he looked to the sky, and said to me “Mommy I love the grass and I love the Sky.”
I said to Him “I know”

Autism Articles: Is My Baby Autistic? Tips to Help You Answer This Question

20 Oct

This is the most common question that parents ask whenever they notice odd behaviors from their children. A lot of people assume that if their child fails to talk at the age or 2 or 3, he is autistic. This is a big misconception. There are numerous reasons as to why speech might be delayed in toddlers, and a lot of other reasons why some children are not hitting their milestones, but sadly, autism is one of them. It is comforting to know though, that talking late in toddlers does not automatically mean that your child is autistic.

Autism is a disorder that lasts a lifetime. It is referred to as a developmental disorder because symptoms normally manifest before a child reaches the age of 3 which is a critical period of development. It then causes concerns in the child’s development, learning and growth
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